Drawmer DS-201B Dual Noise Gate


The DS201 is a sophisticated dual channel noise gate incorporating a number of features pioneered by Drawmer, which are invaluable to the sound engineer, and not found on conventional noise gates.

Drawmer pioneered the concept of frequency conscious gating, and the Drawmer DS201 was the first noise gate to include this feature.

The very fast attack of the DS201 means that it can open in a matter of micro seconds, thus preserving the natural attack of whatever sound is being gated and the comprehensive envelope controls mean that the gain can be changed at whatever rate best suits the material being processed.

With vocals for example, a fairly fast attack is needed so as not to clip the leading consonants but a slower release time will prevent the end of words being clipped off and will also fade out any noise gradually rather than cutting it off abruptly.

This latter point is very important as the human ear is far more sensitive to rapidly changing noise levels than to a constant low level noise.

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